Direct Litigation

Global Legal Assistance


Doe. v. Liu Qi


In 2002, HRLF and the Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA) filed a case against former Beijing Mayor Liu Qi before the Federal District Court for Northern District of California. Liu Qi failed to respond to the allegations of torture, arbitrary arrest and detention, and sexual assault of Falun Gong practitioners, and the court entered a default judgment order against him. The District Court also issued a declaratory judgment in favor of Plaintiffs who were harmed by Liu Qi. Further information on this case is available on CJA’s website at

December 2004 Default Judgment in Favor of Plaintiffs
December 2004 Order Adopting the Magistrate Judge’s Report and Recommendation
October 2004 Judgment for Declaratory Relief
October 2004 Amended Report and Recommendation Regarding Plaintiffs’ Motion for Entry of Default Judgment
August 2004 U.S. State Dept. Statement of Interest Regarding Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain
January 2004 Plaintiffs’ Reply to U.S. State Dept. Statement of Interest Regarding Magistrate Judge Chen’s Report and Plaintiffs’ Objections
July 2003 Plaintiffs’ Objections to Magistrate Judge Chen’s Report & Recommendation
June 2003 Report & Recommendation Regarding Plaintiffs’ Motion For Entry of Default Judgment
February 2003 Notice of Change in Defendant’s Status
December 2002 Declaration of Andrew J. Nathan
November 2002 Plaintiffs’ Post-Hearing Memorandum in Response to Court’s Inquiries
October 2002 Plaintiffs’ Response to the State Department and the People’s Republic of China
October 2002 U.S. State Department’s Statement of Interest
July 2002 Plaintiffs’ Supplemental Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Motion for Default Judgment
July 2002 Affidavit of International Law Professors and Religious Freedom Experts Regarding the Right to Freedom of Religion or Belief
July 2002 Affidavit of Professor Jordan J. Paust, Law Foundation Professor of International Law at the Law Center of the University of Houston
February 2002 Complaint against Liu Qi, the Mayor of Beijing

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