In the United States, HRLF has won several favorable judgments as lead counsel and/or in collaboration with others. HRLF’s current docket in the United States also includes several pending cases. HRLF brings civil lawsuits under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS) and the Torture Victim’s Protection Act (TVPA) against human rights violators.
Doe v. Zhonghua Klaus Chen et al.
In 2006, HRLF filed a criminal petition with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Boston Massachusetts against two Chinese doctors accused of participating in a forced organ removal program. Hospitals in China have allegedly administered a policy of forced organ removal from prisoners of conscience, in particular Falun Gong practitioners detained on the basis of their religious belief. These practitioners are detained in prisons and forced labor centers, where they are routinely and brutally tortured and forcibly subjected to medial procedures that chart their blood and tissue type. When a practioner’s type is needed by a donor recipient, he or she is sent to a hospital for organ removal. Practitioners are forcibly strapped to operating tables in shackles, and they are frequently given insufficient amounts of anesthesia during the organ removal process. On at least some occasions, following the operations, they have even been disposed of in incinerators while still alive.
Detailed Case Summary and Court Documents
In 2005, HRLF filed a criminal petition with the Department of Justice against Zhou Yongkang, who served as Minister of Public Security in China from 2002 – 2007.
Zhou Yongkang was selected to replace Jia Chunwang as the new Minister of Public Security on December 9, 2002. During the transition, Zhou’s role as the new administrator of the “Strike-Hard Campaign” against Falun Gong was emphasized in an APA and Rueters report. For example, in its December 9, 2002, “China Gets a New Public Security Minister,” APA (Beijing edition) republished the People’s Daily Web site announcement of the appointment of Zhou Yongkang to the post, which emphasized the “Strike-Hard Campaign” against Falun Gong as among the key achievements of former chief of police which Zhou was now taking over.
On December 26, 2002, in “China’s Public Security Chief Urges Better Standards of Law Enforcement Work,” The British Broadcasting Corporation reported the remarks made by Zhou Yongkang at a video-linked teleconference. Among other things, Zhou Yongkang urged all public security organs across China to, “[i]n particular, strictly guard against and “Strike-Hard” at the trouble-making and undermining activities carried out by hostile forces in and outside this country [including] the cult organizations of Falun Gong.”
Detailed Case Summary and Court Documents
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