
HRLF & Women’s Rights Advocacy

HRLF’s Background


HRLF’s Background

The Human Rights Law Foundation (HRLF) is a non-profit organization that represents survivors of torture and persecution in civil and criminal cases in the United States, Spain, and Hong Kong. Though the organization’s mission is to enhance the right of all people to be free from torture, genocide, and other international crimes, HRLF has focused the lion’s share of its efforts on protecting female victims. Over the years, HRLF has developed a unique niche, combining an in-depth knowledge of women’s issues with legal expertise in international human rights law. HRLF litigates against high-ranking government officials and multinational corporations with infinitely more financial and human resources. Despite this disadvantage, the HRLF team has yielded favorable decisions in several prominent cases that have set important legal precedents. These victories deter future abuses against women by generating tangible, policy-oriented results and by digging into the pockets of defendants. Moreover, through its work, HRLF helps women regain their sense of dignity by giving victims an avenue for redress and a voice to cut through the cloak of silence sewn by perpetrators of human rights atrocities.

© Human Rights Law Foundation 2010-2025
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