
HRLF & Women’s Rights Advocacy

HRLF’s Background



HRLF plans to expand its work for women and girls by piloting the Justice For Women Program, a program that is devoted to holding government officials and multinational corporations accountable for violence against women and girls and that provides women and girls with the means of attaining asylum or withholding status in the United States.

Based on its strong interest in women’s rights and its previous work in the area, HRLF plans to continue litigating cases on behalf of women and girls who have been subjected to torture, rape, and trafficking. HRLF also intends to expand its asylum work. At-risk spiritual believers residing in the United States have agreed to refer all asylum cases to HRLF. Since many of these individuals are women, the vast majority of these cases will involve women and girls. HRLF will assist these asylum-seekers in drafting documents and preparing for their hearings before immigration judges. HRLF will also litigate such cases and will maintain a relationship with the asylum seekers after their hearings. HRLF hopes to provide these women and girls will post-hearing counseling services. Women and girls face unique struggles in asylum cases because they are often faced with the prospect of being separated from their children. Additionally, women and girls may feel a sense of shame after recounting their stories of sexual abuse in front of a judge. Counseling and self-help services for women and girls can help alleviate some of these concerns. After helping women and girls navigate the asylum system, HRLF plans to monitor their progress and to help them find the appropriate counseling services to meet their needs.

HRLF plans to begin its work where it is most familiar: China. However, HRLF hopes to broaden the services that it provides and, ultimately, to assist women in other countries in Asia and in other regions of the world.

© Human Rights Law Foundation 2010-2025
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