Global Assistance

Lawyers At Risk in China

Justice For Women

Underground Railroad


Since its inception, HRLF has been advocating for the rights of women and girls. These are a few examples of HRLF’s women’s advocacy projects. With the Justice For Women Program, HRLF plans to expand its women’s rights work. To read more about the program, please click here.


Jane and Fadu Dai

Jane and Fadu DaiJane Dai’s husband was tortured to death by Chinese police because he practiced Falun Gong. After months of hard work and with the help of Australian government officials, Ms. Dai was able to secure her husband’s ashes. Championed by some of the world’s leading human rights attorneys, Ms. Dai and others are now taking their case to the world’s courtrooms. HRLF has played a major role in all of these cases, including as lead counsel in the Spanish case Doe v. Jiang Zemin, Bo Xilai, Lou Gan et al.

Ms. Dai now resides with her daughter Fadu in the United States. During school holidays and summer recess, Ms. Dai and her daughter travel around the world to educate people everywhere about the persecution of the Falun Gong believers in China.

Swedish film director, Elefteria Kalogritsa, learned about the persecution of Falun Gong first hand from Ms. Dai at a press conference during the U.N.’s 2002 annual conference for human rights in Geneva. Ms. Kalogrista recalled, “I am not a person who is easily moved but this day, I could not prevent the tears from rolling down my face. I looked around and noticed that I was not the only one.” Inspired by Ms. Dai’s story, Ms. Kalogritsa produced a documentary about Ms. Dai’s travels around the world as a single woman in search of wisdom and her return with daughter Fadu to tell others of the brutal murder of her husband and “that Falun Dafa is good.” For a copy of the documentary, titled Plum Blossom in Snow, visit

Ms. Dai has received several awards, including the Altruism Foundation Turtle Award, for her humanitarian work.

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